This project is inspired by my biggest source of inspiration: my environment - in this case specifically London. I explore this world by walking. When everything gets too much, when I need peace or new ideas I step outside and observe. I have always held a fascination for the places that I am portraying in this project and the way they are composed. The geometric shapes, negative spaces in collaboration with the bold, bright colours in contrast to black and white structures and layers of different textures. I can’t help but automatically start playing with these compositions: abstracting them, translating them and designing. I do not just see environments when I look at these places. I see designs. I see relationships between shapes and colours, between people and place. 

I created this project in a time I wanted to hideaway and found reassurance in these places. It was supposed to be an homage but now it serves as memory. For suddenly, I had to leave London and with London, my places. In order to revisit them thousands of miles away, I recreated them. My collages are abstract, layered and colourful and they are kept ambiguous for they are my secret places. By being hung on a wall, they make it possible for me to visit my places.

For this project I worked exclusively on paper. Materials include tape, stickers, cardboard, coloured paper, acetate, vinyl, wood, pencils, crayons and pens to recreate the depth and variety in surfaces and textures of the places.